Our special Recipient had this to say:
“We are about to head back to Sydney after two weeks in your beautiful city.
The egg donation process has been a very positive experience for us and we are eternally grateful to our donor for giving us such a wonderful gift and opportunity. We hope she is doing well. Please pass on our gratitude to her for all of her commitment, effort and sincerity. We are optimistic for a positive result but whatever happens our value for what she has done for us will remain forever.
Also, many thanks to you and Grace Donors for everything you have done for us. You have given us such a warm and understanding response to everything right from the initial point of contact. Keep up the good work as we might even be back again 🙂
We have taken in all the Cape Town touristy stuff and have been amazed by this City and its surrounds. We are not surprised that Cape Town has been rated the world’s top tourist destination, nothing can compare. We also met your friendly baboons at Cape Point. In fact, we survived your lions, leopards, rhinos, hippos and elephants (which came pretty close) as well!
Thanks again and we will be in touch”
And in response, her incredible egg donor had this to say:
“I’m not much of a soppy, emotional person, but that was beautiful – thank you! I’m quite impressed I’ve donated to a foreign family!
It’s been such a great opportunity, this whole donation process. I didn’t know what to expect in the beginning, but I knew in my mind it would be rewarding. Please tell my recipient family it’s been the biggest pleasure to be a part of their journey. If someone is willing to invest so much time, effort, and money into having children I truly believe the child(ren) will grow up in an extremely privileged family.
I’m holding thumbs and crossing fingers for great success 🙂